How To Find Our Office If You Are A Surveyor
Geodetic: | Latitude 38°44’29.17498″ | Longitude 121°18’29.19713″ | Height (WGS) 121°18’29.19713″ |
NAD 83(SPCC ZONE II): | Northing 2032589.188sft | Easting 6759004.859sft | Orthometric HT 142.899sft |
UTM: | UTM ZONE 11 | UTM Northing 4263253.824m | UTM Easting 134896.422m |
Lot 15, as said Lot is shown on that map entitled “Vineyard Pointe Business Park”, filed February 20, 1991 in Book R of Maps, Page 49, situate in the City of Roseville, County of Placer, State of California.
TOGETHER WITH, that portion of Lot 14 of said Map, described as follows:
BEGINNING at the southwest corner of said Lot 14, said point being on the northerly line of Enterprise Way; thence from said POINT OF BEGINNING, along the west line of said Lot 14, North 11°47’16” West 269.59 feet to the northwest corner of said Lot; thence, along the north line of said Lot, North 88°56’03” East 14.50 feet; thence, South 01°03’57” East 42.55 feet; thence South 11°15″27″ East 180.95 feet; thence North 72°43’42” East 13.96 feet; thence South 17°16’18” East 43.50 feet to a point on said north line of Enterprise Way; thence, along said north line, South 72°43’42” West 22.82 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING.
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